Sunday, 9 August 2009

"When, Will You Come Home?"

Going to do nothing today and feel ok about it. Haven't posted in a bit, but I have been drawing/practicing guitar and reading. Thought I'd give myself a free pass today. Of course, that means just trying to read and watch fucking loads of stuff and then documenting it. 

Defintely getting obsessed with trying to do everything. Must chill! 

Oh yeah, and my PC seems to be dying on me (well, it seems to have been for quite some time now), lost my profile settings meaning I've lost all my web bookmarks, setting, passwords and all my little program settings. Gah. Surprisingly OK about it, just wish I had the money to get a new PC quicker. Seeing it as a good opportunity to clean house instead. Hence the chill. 

Annoyingly though it doesn't seem to save anything now, so when I do re-apply all the old setting they disappear each time I log in. Bah. 

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