Tuesday, 7 July 2009

"The Sun's Not Yellow, It's Chicken"

Trying out some more stuff. Photoshop is getting easier, taking advantage of the layers now. Some of this is rubbish, some of it I think'll work. Might try and finish the design tomorrow so I can actually work on the real piece Thursday and Friday, then do the music for it (it's going to be a music score) at the weekend. 

Fucking A-Plan. 

Guitar Hero lunch, love beating the plastic

Read about Ernest Borgine, Airwolf, isolation of chickens, made up the word 'Windular'


Bogdan Raczynski

Liars - Drum's Not Dead

Episode 91 Horror Podcast

Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited

Squarepusher - Go Plastic


Dion Lay said...

Hmmm, think I might stick to balck, reds and whites for this actually.

Dion Lay said...

And I need to make more of the front cover - it's all about the white space at the moment - that stuff could be anywhere. Finally it needs to look more instructional and less illustrative. G'night.

Roland MacDonald said...

Looking good.