Trying out some more stuff. Photoshop is getting easier, taking advantage of the layers now. Some of this is rubbish, some of it I think'll work. Might try and finish the design tomorrow so I can actually work on the real piece Thursday and Friday, then do the music for it (it's going to be a music score) at the weekend.
Fucking A-Plan.
Guitar Hero lunch, love beating the plastic
Read about Ernest Borgine, Airwolf, isolation of chickens, made up the word 'Windular'
Bogdan Raczynski
Liars - Drum's Not Dead
Episode 91 Horror Podcast
Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited
Squarepusher - Go Plastic
Hmmm, think I might stick to balck, reds and whites for this actually.
And I need to make more of the front cover - it's all about the white space at the moment - that stuff could be anywhere. Finally it needs to look more instructional and less illustrative. G'night.
Looking good.
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