Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Languid Shimmering Strings

Just some more exercises.


Justice League America Annual 1996


Thirst (2009)
Braindead (1992)

Braindead was amazing, never seen it before, only heard the stories. Lived up to its reputation and more.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Sleek Latin Flourishes

New year - hopefully I'll get a bit more done. Going to keep this a bit more like a diary for a bit so I can keep track of what I've done. Today:

Legends: The Collection - John Ostrander (JLA comic)
Justice League America Annual #5 'Tomorrow's League Today!'
Justice League America Annual #6 'Maximum Eclipse'

Telescope - A Talk with Hitchcock Part 1 (1694)
Telescope - A Talk with Hitchcock Part 2 (1694)
Close Up - Orson Welles - The Paris Interview (1960)
Pirahna (1978)
Colours of Infinity (1995)

Boosting session for Bioshock 2
Read nine lessons from drawspace to get back into the swing of things