Sunday, 21 June 2009

"Nixon went for Pepsi, goddamn it!"

Didn't get as much drawing done as I wanted this weekend, but it was a good weekend. 

Currently listening to some Alan Moore CDs: 

Angel Passage

Brought to Light

The Highbury Working

Love 'em. Can easily do these a few times I think - should keep me going with my drawing until the next Horroretc podcast. 

I tried to finish off my Fourteen Nights drawing, but it looked so fucking awful I thought I'd try a little longer - glad I did, I reckon I can improve it after all. Man, this is going to be so late! 

Made myself an amazing dinner - it was yellow, pink, purple, green, red, fushia, brown, orange, white, gold. 

Roasted balsamic beetroot & onion with a salad of sweetcorn, radish, lettuce, cherry tomato, cucumber, spring onion and a mustard and red wine vinegar dressing, and a 

I was very impressed with myself. 

Oh, I better post a picture hadn't I? I really suck at hands, must practice. Unfortunately if I wait until I can draw them I'll never finish the Fourteen Nights pic so I'm just going to have to have suky hands on it. 

Must get around to doing that Geoff Senior article for 'Unpretty' blog as well. 

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