Wednesday, 28 January 2009

"Strawberries for breakfast, chocolate for lunch"

I only have paltry offerings tonight I'm afraid. 

I actually did some drawing yesterday , but just seemed to come up with rubbish. I really liked my hands (although they still need improvement) and I thought I could just doodle and come up with something worthwhile. Nuh-uh.

I wasn't going to edit myself, but it seems pointless to just post up everything. I decided I wanted to try some drawing that wasn't based on photos, so I started doodling out some ideas based on a story I want to draw. 

Ideas about a heart, a city, blood, alleys and roads. I'm trying to start off with a heart and then abstract it but still keep it somewhat recognisable. Still poor going though - I'll think next drawing session I'll try and do some quick thumbnail sketches rather than the pointless meandering I've done over the last couple of days. 

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